New Years Resolutions
1—If your goal is to lose weight then start by exercising first thing in the morning 10- 20 min aerobically to jump start your metabolism. This can be walking, running, biking, dancing or even jumping jacks in your living room.

2—To maintain weight loss, studies show that it is really important to get 7 hours of sleep at night and eat something for breakfast. Eat 6 small meals per day that each have a lean protein and a complex carbohydrate–SEE LISTS BELOW.

3—If you have signs of the metabolic syndrome, then consider reading The Insulin Resistance Diet or The State of Slim really helps with low fat, low sugar to lose weight.

4—Really try to avoid fast foods as they are too high in fat and carbohydrates with little nutritional value.

5—You can increase protein in your diet fast with a protein powder drink in the AM, preferably egg white or whey based. If your bad cholesterol is not > 130, you can have 2 eggs in the morning or if LDL >130 just 4-6 egg whites.

6—Shift your milk intake to flax, almond or limited coconut milk. Use coconut oil in cooking or olive oil.

7—Add Probiotics 2- 3 capsules daily to normalize your gut flora to better absorb healthy foods.

8—Fish oil 1 gram 2-4 x daily will decrease your triglycerides and increase your good cholesterol. Freeze the capsules so they won’t cause heartburn.

9—Just losing 10 % or your body weight will greatly assist you in reversing the metabolic syndrome, preventing diabetes and heart disease.

10—Vitamin D optimally is 50-60. If your Vit D level is 30- 45, I recommend that you start 2000IU Vitamin D daily but if it is less than 30, I recommend you take 4000iu daily. Men should not take calcium supplements but instead should have dark green leafy vegetables as their source of calcium because there may be a risk of prostate cancer.

11—Regarding alcohol and coffee; try to limit your intake to 2 cups daily as both can cause insomnia and fatigue.

12—For anxiety and stress, Rescue Remedy under your tongue found at health food stores is helpful, nonsedating and not addictive. Optimally taking meditation classes or seeking counseling can help when your just not thinking clearly enough to decide what is best to do for yourself.

13—Arnicare gel 2 x day is great to diminish muscle aches and pains.

14—For any cuts or wounds, try Tea Tree Oil to prevent infection and decrease pain.

15—Please have your primary care physician recheck any abnormal labs as the EHE labs are only a screen.

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